The training was held for ASCCA staff

The training was held for ASCCA staff

The Academy of the State Customs Committee organized a seminar for the staff on "Code of Ethics of the Customs Authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan and rules for wearing a special uniform”

The training was conducted by the chief specialist of the Secretariat, Colonel Shamsaddin Abishov, to ensure that the employees with a special rank of the ASCCA comply with the requirements of the Code of Ethics of the customs authorities and to further educate them in this direction.

In the training, Shamsaddin Abishov made a detailed presentation on the topic. He briefed the participants on the rules of uniform regulation, line-up, requirements for the performance of service duties, certain articles of the code of ethics, the basic principles of conduct in the service environment, and other topics.

At the end of the training, the questions of the participants were answered in detail.